Science as Muse

Opening Reception: First Friday April 5, 2013 5-9PM

Apr 5th - Apr 28th, 2013

Reed Smith Gallery & Harrison Gallery

The Clay Studio is hosting Science as Muse in conjunction with the 2013 Philadelphia Science Festival. This exhibition will feature the ceramic work ofcontemporary ceramic artists whose work is conceptually driven by a facet ofscience and that explores scientific topics relevant to daily life andcontemporary critical issues. 

Art and science areintrinsically linked, the pursuit of the artist and scientist more similar thandifferent. Each are driven by curiosity, their inquisitive spirits making them keen observers of our world. They provoke, ask questions, and are problemsolvers, are driven to build on what is known in our world and discover and explorethe unknown. Each typically builds uponprevious work and must be open to unplanned outcomes and results, and possessthe ability to quickly and thoughtfully identify them as unsuccessful or asgifts. Each must be fearless in theirpursuit as failure is frequent, learning from each piece or experiment more totackle the next one with. 

The sciences have alwaysserved as muses for artists. This ishardly surprising as the sciences define and are at the root of all that existsin our world which is the subject matter explored by artists. Those represented within this exhibition haveeach been inspired by one or many scientific pursuits, each creating extensivebodies of work in exploration. Whetherthat science is biology, physiology, chemistry, physics, psychology orastronomy, the makers in this show, like scientists, have spent extensiveamount of time researching their subject matter, their gained knowledgeinforming their creative pursuits.

Artists participating in Science as Muse include: Jason Briggs,  Undine Brod, Bryan Czibesz, Lindsay Feuer,  Lauren Gallaspy,  Alex Hibbit, Linda Huey, Bethany Krull, Carrie Longley, Kate MacDowell, Bonnie Seeman,  Mallory Wetherell, and Matt Wilt.

Image: Bonnie Seeman, Gravy Boat and Tray
