Of Substance and Style

Dec 4th - Jan 3rd, 2016


Eight contemporary potters were invited to send their largest and most substantial work. The gallery displayed these works along with four set tables, each with a unique setting arranged by a local designer.

Designers: EricRymshaw of Fury Design Inc., Ashli Mizell of Ashli Mizell Inc., Gregory Augustineof August Interiors, and Michael Shannon of Michael Shannon Designs.

Artists include:Rebecca Chappell, Heesoo Lee, Bryan Hopkins, Holly Walker, Joseph Pintz, Peter Karner and Ryan Greenheck.

Please join us December5, 11am – 6pm for A Hand Crafted Holiday

Start the day with Coffeeand Pastries from Highpoint Café, Holiday table settings will be on display, made by local designers Eric Rymshaw of Fury Design Inc., Gregory Augustine ofAugust Interiors, Michael Shannon of Shannon Designs, and Ashli Mizell of AshliMizell Inc., each designer will be present to talk about their work and how tomake beautiful table settings for your holiday entertaining needs.  Local cheese queen Tenaya Darlington, also known as “Madame Fromage, ” will show how to arrange an exquisite cheeseboard and offer samplings of local products.  Later in the afternoon, Emily Carris of The Art Dept., amaker-centric gallery in Fishtown, will give a live demonstration on how tomake container candles using beeswax. Handmade ceramic candle containers, as well as pre-packaged kits will beavailable for purchase.  The dayevents will come to a close with a special holiday happy hour to thank ourguests and shoppers.

Free and open to the public.

Exhibition Curated by Naomi Cleary 
