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Jerry Bennett

Teaching Artist - Past

Artist Statement

Paper clay is an innovative material to make both functional pottery and sculptural forms. Learn how to make paper clay, bonding slips, and using it for handbuilding ceramic forms. Jerry Bennett uses image examples and demonstration to illustrate the variety of forms that can be constructed with paper clay. This workshop also explores the use of texture, construction techniques and decoration using paper clay. Paper clay is provided, but please bring basic handbuilding tools and canvas for working with porcelain to the workshop.

It is my aspiration as an artist to create objects with a strong visual identity that reflects functionality, but are more than just a vessel. Through use of color, texture and movement, my work shows an evolution, which I hope, results in a straightforward and graceful statement. I enjoy many aspects of my art that is rooted in function, but I feel the important part is the play of form and texture.



Jerry Bennett received a BFA from Southwest Missouri State University and an MFA in Ceramics from Indiana University. He was an Associate at The Clay Studio from 1995- 2001 and then a Resident Artist from 2001-2006. He uses thrown and hand-built parts to construct forms out of paper clay to explore the decorative aspects of pottery. Jerry teaches ceramics at Holy Family University and has taught workshops and exhibited his work both nationally and internationally.